Look Who's Here! Mark Steidl Interviews Ann Talman
"It's not about cerebral palsy, it's about family and relationships," actress Ann Talman tells Mark Steidl.
For our Look Who's Here! All-Abilities Media project, Mark interviewed Ann about her film Woody's Order! It's her story about her family's relationship with her brother, who has cerebral palsy. Mark also has cerebral palsy, and conducted this interview through his computer to speech equipment.
It shows Sunday in the ReelAbilities: Pittsburgh Disabilities Film Festival! Ann, an Upper St. Clair native, will be at the screening and post-film reception.
Listen to interview.
(This episode won the Western Pennsylvania Press Club Golden Quill Award! Read the article about that in Unabriged Press.)
Behind the Scenes with Theresa Rose - A Podcast
Theresa Rose interviews Anne Talman. To listen to this podcast, please download through iTunes at the following link --
Woody's Order! The Short Doc
Micro Interview: Ann Talman and Seth Kramer
October 22, 2017. Film Pittsburgh spoke with Woody's Order Ann Talman and Seth Kramer about working in short film, advice for aspiring filmmakers, and more. Read here.
Woody's Order!
Pocast Interview: "'Woody's Order' Is A Sister's Love Letter To Late Brother"
August 21, 2019. During her run of Woody's Order! the solo stage show in Akron, Ohio, Annie gave this interview. Listen here.
Woody's Order! Video from Pittsburgh Production
When, a nonverbal, highly intelligent, cerebral palsied 8 year old realizes that something might one day happened to his parents, he “orders” backup. Woody always plans ahead. His sister Ann, heeding the call for her magical birth, embarks on an extraordinary lifetime adventure to fulfill this order, while navigating the course of her own dreams and destiny. This true, and truly astonishing, story celebrates humanity and the way that we all connect along the way.
“Powerful…fierce. The quirks of individual personalities shine through” - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Pittsburgh Today Live interviews Ann Talman about Woody's Order!
Ann Talman opens up on Official Pittsburgh Today Live about her relationship with her brother, Woody, and why she returned to Pittsburgh to premier her one-woman show, Woody's Order!